Emo verzi
Največja zbirka EMO verzov na internetu. Dodate lahko tudi nove emo verze. Če ste čustveni, nezadovoljni z življenjem in na sploh bodo emo verzi kot nalašč za vas. Preberite jih ali pa na stran dodajte nov emo verze in izlijte bolečino na "papir". Zagotovo se boste počutili bolje.
- Mogoce zdaj sanjam, mogoce zdaj spim, mogoce se ju3 vec ne zbudim. Mogoce pa le na tleh krvavim! (ana.nelly, 0)
- Žiga && Živa sta bila noro zaljubljena. Skupaj sta se veselila && vse dokler ni Živa spoznala, da Žiga ljubi drugo. V roke je vzela britvico in se začela rezati po rokah. Rezala se je dokler roke niso bile popolnoma krvave. Za trenutek se je začela zavedati da če se še enkrat vreže bo umrla. Zato je vzela papir in Žigi napisala pismo. ŽIGA <|3 VIDLA SEM TE Z DRUGO. ZATO SEM SE ZAČELA REZATI DO SMRTI. TI SI KRIV !! . ko je žiga to prebral je še sam sklenil da bo naredil SAMOMOR. (EMOana^^, 0)
- If there is nothing to make you feel happy then you may not kill yourself but try to smile!!!!!for EMO boys and girls (minka, 0)
- Emos rox!
Eaven our life sux!
We know we’re the best,
when we put together our cut arms!! <3 (**AdeLysa**, 0) - I am the person who walked home alone.
I am the person who sat on my own.
I am the person who dreaded the school.
I am the person who did not want to play.
I am the person who had no friends.
I am the person who you sad have no trend.
I am the person who you pushed around.
I am the person who made no sound.
I am the person who you called lame.
I am the person who you made cry.
You are the person who ruinded my life.
I am the person who made this all true.
And now I committed suicide because of you!! (**AdeLysa**, 0) - All the seconds turn to minutes,
and all the minutes turn to weeks,
cuz the essence justgets deminished,
when those kisses burn the cheeks.
All the victims standing in a line,
completely ablinius to eachother,
hersoul is beautiful…
…if you just watch the part she keeps covered.
This is dedicated to YOU,
and dedicated to all that you did to me,
I told them that your single file line learns to the gilliutine.
To them I’m just bithc,
and to you friends I’m just a asshole,
cuz your version of the storry
differs so greatly from that what the past told… (**AdeLysa**, 0) - Ne razumem ljudi ki mislijo da smo drugači res da iamo malo drugačen stil oblačenje in se nekateri režemo ampak ste se vprašali ZAKAJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vi ste nas pripravili do tega (emo girl, 0)
- Why does love dye when i get it? (blacky2, 0)
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